[The Pakistani government is drawing up a textile policy from 2020 to 2025]
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According to the latest report by the American Agricultural Counsellor, despite the sharp drop in cotton production, Pakistan’s textile production has now returned to full capacity and will continue to achieve export growth in the long run. In order to achieve export-driven growth of the industry, the Pakistani government is drawing up a textile policy from 2020 to 2025 to make the country's products more internationally competitive.

   It is reported that the Pakistani government is studying a new five-year plan for the textile industry to increase textile exports to US$25.3 billion by 2025. The country’s exports in 2018 were US$13.53 billion. The government seems to have considered all aspects of the textile industry, such as extremely low or zero interest rate loans, providing a long-term financial support system for textile and garment machinery enterprises, and using it as a model for the government to encourage certain industries to inject a steady stream of development into the textile and garment industry Power.

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