[Adding methods of polypropylene fiber in different fields]
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Polypropylene fiber uses 100% polypropylene as raw material and is processed by a special process to form a high-strength bundle-shaped monofilament organic fiber. It has inherent strong acid resistance, strong alkali resistance, weak thermal conductivity, and extremely stable chemical properties.

Polypropylene fiber can be used in different fields of construction engineering. Then, in different fields, the method of adding polypropylene fiber is different!

1. Finishing and pressing: A pressing is performed immediately after the concrete is out of the mold, and the second pressing is completed before the initial setting of the concrete is finished. In addition, steel or iron trowels should be used as much as possible when pressing the surface. Because the wooden trowel is not smooth enough, it will pull out the fibers.

2. Strength test: the addition of fiber will not affect the strength of concrete, but the strength test of fiber concrete should be carried out on the determined concrete mix according to the regulations before each project is used.

3. Description: Fiber is only used as the "secondary reinforcement" of concrete, and its main function is to inhibit the occurrence of concrete cracks, improve the impermeability of the concrete matrix, and extend the service life of concrete, rather than "main structural stress reinforcement." Therefore, the incorporation of fibers cannot change the reinforcement ratio in the original design.

Fourth, the feeding order and method: when using, add fiber and aggregates such as sand and stone at the same time, and then wet mix after adding water; it is better to add the fiber in the middle of the sand and stone at the same time as the sand and stone material, the effect is better.

5. Forming and curing: Concrete mixed with fibers has no special requirements when forming, but it should be ensured that the concrete is fully vibrated. Concrete mixed with fibers has no special requirements during curing. It can be maintained as normal concrete, and cannot be mixed with fibers. And relax the early curing of concrete.

6. Fiber concrete mixing: The mixing time is slightly longer than the mixing time of concrete without fiber by about 30 seconds to ensure that the fibers can be mixed evenly in the concrete.

7. Slump adjustment: due to the thickening effect of fiber, the addition of fiber will increase the viscosity of the concrete mixture and slightly reduce the slump. Each project needs a different slump, so the slump should be adjusted through experiments before the project is used. If the slump cannot meet the construction requirements, the water consumption should not be increased to increase the slump, but plasticization should be used appropriately Or water-reducing agent to increase the slump to meet the requirements.

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