[This year, my country's imported cotton increased by 40% year-on-year in 2020.]
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Customs statistics show that in March 2021, my country imported cotton 280,000 tons, which decreased by 10,000 tons from February, which increased by about 3%, but increased by 80,000 tons from 2020, an increase of 40% year-on-year. 2020/2021 (September to March 2021, 20220) my country's accumulated imported cotton is about 1.94 million tons, an increase of 90% year-on-year, of which cotton, Brazilian cotton, Indian cotton, West African cotton, etc., Central Asian cotton (Mainly Uzbekistan cotton) The import volume continues to decline, while the number of niche of the Greek cotton, Mexican cotton, Argentine cotton, the brand is scattered.

Some of the cotton-related enterprises said that although in the first half of 2020, the number of cotton imports were relatively low in the first half of 2020, and the global vaccination of the vaccine quickly recovered the cotton consumption, but the 2020/2021 years has increased more than 90 % Is still surprising. Considering that my country's accumulated imported cotton 970,000 tons in the first quarter of 2021, 59% year-on-year, so this annual cotton import growth point is mainly concentrated in September 20020 to December 2020.

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