[Policies to help the industry stabilize the "basic disk" in the New Year]
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Policies help "open the door steadily"

On the first day of work in the new year, a new round of relief policies to help enterprises in various places have been implemented one after another, including recruitment subsidies, holiday job retention subsidies, financial loan incentives, and incentives for enterprise sales growth... A number of measures have made precise efforts to help textile enterprises achieve a "stable opening" in 2023.

  The workshop of the only textile company located in Lixin County, Anhui Province is a busy scene. "The company has recently received a number of bonus funds, which warms my heart." Liang Botao, the person in charge of Anhui Only Textile Co., Ltd., said that because it conforms to the three incentive policies of national informatization and industrialization integration management, provincial specialized and special new small and medium-sized enterprises, and provincial new products, the enterprise did not apply or submit materials, and the incentive funds were "directly sent" to the company's account. "Free application and enjoyment" allows enterprises to enjoy policy dividends for the first time.

  It is understood that Lixin County has introduced a data-based service implementation plan for policies benefiting enterprises in recent years to help enterprises "sit" and enjoy policies without having to travel, so that "policy red envelopes" can reach enterprises more accurately.

  Quanzhou City, Fujian Province recently released a series of measures including the textile footwear and clothing industry to "grab orders, start work early, and start well", coordinate and do a good job in this year's industrial economic work, based on early grasping, planning and implementation, to ensure stable production in the first quarter. The measures require the in-depth implementation of the special action of overseas order grabbing by textile footwear and clothing enterprises, and the adjustment and optimization of measures to open up the international market in 2023. In the first quarter, the city and county strive to organize and carry out more than 19 overseas order grabbing activities, and more than 230 people from more than 170 enterprises visited overseas exhibitions.

"Lose no time in 'going out' and lay the foundation for a 'good start' in the New Year." The person in charge of Quanzhou Pengtai Garment Co., Ltd. said that in 2023, the company will actively respond to the government's call to participate in various foreign exhibitions, and will also deeply tap the market potential along the "Belt and Road", make good use of the preferential policies of governments at all levels to encourage enterprises to participate in overseas exhibitions, and comprehensively explore the international market. The company is full of confidence and full of expectations.

  In addition, Quanzhou encourages textile footwear and clothing enterprises to open up their machines, and rewards manufacturing enterprises above designated size that comply with the national industrial policy and achieve a certain year-on-year increase in the total industrial output value in the first quarter of 2023 according to the year-on-year increment of the total industrial output value of the enterprise. At the same time, we will increase the first financing relief at the end of the year, support the use of industrial funds to provide emergency on-lending services for textile footwear and clothing enterprises, and vigorously develop supply chain finance.

  In order to ensure the realization of the economic "red start" in the first quarter of 2023, textile enterprises in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province recently organized a special action of "seizing the start, stabilizing growth and promoting development", and made efforts in six actions, including seizing time, expanding efficiency, grabbing orders, expanding markets, grabbing projects, expanding kinetic energy, grabbing space, expanding factors, seizing confidence, expanding the environment, grabbing talents, and expanding innovation. "The six major actions introduced by the government have greatly boosted our confidence in development." Yang Baolin, chairman of Zhejiang Seven Color Rainbow Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd., has begun preparations for the TEXWORLD fabric exhibition in Paris in January 2023, "The government organized us to participate in the exhibition in a group, registered us in advance to obtain a booth, and also helped make an appointment for a visa, and everything went smoothly." Yang Baolin expects that the number of corporate orders will increase by 20% year-on-year in 2023.

"This year, Shaoxing will deepen the implementation of the '100 groups and thousands of enterprises' series of actions to expand the market, make every effort to open up the docking channel of domestic and foreign professional exhibition organizers, and help textile enterprises open up the market and seize more international orders." The relevant person in charge of the local commerce bureau said that in the first quarter of 2023, it will focus on organizing local enterprises to participate in 11 overseas exhibitions, including the home textiles and commercial textiles exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, TEXWORLD New York International Apparel Fabric Exhibition, APP New York International Clothing Procurement Exhibition (spring), and TEXWORLD Fabric Exhibition in Paris.

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